Here, let me explain something for you without having to circle stuff for the very slow among us. Look at the single word in the search bar, you know the one with a little magnifying glass at the end. Ask your mom what a magnifying glass is, I'll wait. Now see the word? What is it. Let me spell it for you T r u t h. It's called irony, satire and even sarcasm.
Now as for your upload stupid things comment, how stupid are the doctors who have had videos where they explain that coronavirus is treatable being pulled down, and accounts terminated. How about the video of the doctors who have successfully treated hundreds of patients each getting their video from the steps of the Supreme Court pulled down? I can go on for a long time, but it would go past your nap time. NotYourTube censors truth, they have determined that medical doctors lie and yet they host every anti-Trump Trump is Hitler video in the world. Truth. What is Truth? So YT TOS should say, "if you want to post anything that disproves the Marxist agenda, your account will be terminated." That would be fair and honest, right? Ha ha ha, caught you in irony, satire and sarcasm again, Marxists don't give a rats ass about fairness or honesty. or even free speech. Ha ha ha, so funny.