You should consider rechecking your facts. I would cite facts but the powers that be have muddied the entire battleground into a dogmatic faith war of facts. All "facts" have been made nonsensical. Who do you really trust?
Effective propaganda is when the targets don't know it's propaganda.
Corporate-owned experts, government, and media are proven liars, time after time after time after time after time after time. Look beyond all corporate media. Find your own alternative media sources to trust that are skeptical of the "official" narrative. Experts lie for profit. Alt media may be just as incorrect, but they're certainly not doing it for profits as there are MUCH better ways to make a living than speaking truth to power.
Initially you will likely hear countering ideas that seem far fetched. After a while, as you digest more skeptical ideas, and the evidence stacks up, you'll wonder how you ever fell for the "expert" "official" lies.
You might also consider researching Fifth Generation Warfare, which is often censored on Wikipedia, etc. Information warfare can accomplish strategic, operational, and tactical objectives, while not doing measurable damage that can be identified by the target (ie. intentional collapse blamed on a "pandemic"). An important aspect of 5GW may have the target not even know it's under attack, thus the target has already lost that battle.
You don't need to use force if you can convince the masses via social engineering.
First it was 2 weeks to "flatten the curve", then it was the "new normal", then it was all these stupid f**king rules. They blame the collapse on the virus when really it was the "leaders" who made it happen with their overreaction.
There's also a MASSIVE CENSORSHIP campaign that silences all of the THOUSANDS of doctors, nurses, scientists, skeptics, alternative media, and others who are rejecting the bullshit lockdown, bad mask scientism, and other crap, including the COVID and vaccine nonsense.**kMasks