*ghost form* Well, that was idiotic, if I knew that would've happened I wouldn't be dead. Oh well....guess I had a good life, until the stupid tiger ate me
Now I kinda want to be ghosts just like when Spongebob and Patrick that one episode when they were ghosts for a prank....but I'm getting hungry and sad...I can't eat pizza because I'm ghost, now my existence as a ghost is depressing...I can't believe I'm more depressed than I was when I'm alive
melody dies from medicine o v e r d o s e
traps gets insanely high and decides to see what would happen if he took a knife and stabbed himself with it. He passes out, and isnt found in time.
church gets hit by a car
paint chokes to death
spire hangs herself
artic falls off a cliff
sheep gets drunk and dies in a car crash
Flamy cant stand the pain anymore and decides to leave us forever by bleeding to death
Sox drowns while trying to swim away from a shark
Breezy/stormy gets struck by lightning
freeforall6 dies in a plane crash
nacl gets lung cancer
sadie drowned while racing away from sharks
gotanypain got food poisoning and died
swayboy07 got a concussion while attempting to climb on a roof for a dare
darmug got hit in the head with a baseball bat so hard that he died
daisy got bit by a snake
jaiden ate a poisonous mushroom
the one choked to death
denki decided it would be smart to approach Texas, and got shot trying to grab it\
River falls of a kayak in the rapids section, hits their head on a rock, passes out, and drowns.
juice overdosed on opioids
dracoden got trapped in a cave and starved to death
ashikura got an infection and didnt treat it, so he died
stellar got raped and was so emotionally unstable that she shot herself
lacey tripped on her shoelaces at the zoo, and ended up accidently open the tiger cage at the zoo, where a tiger name Leon ate her (lmfao)
halfwhit forgot to use her brain and went skydiving, where she forgot to open her parachute and fell and died.
drizzy had a heart attack trying to read this
surlykong69 accidently fell for a crocodile-girl, and she ate him (XDDDDDDDDDDD)
danny got the flu and died
mookie finds trap's body and *romantic music starts* SHOOT HERSELF WITH TEXAS *romantic music abruptly ends*; ALRIGHT HERE ARE SOME MORE TRAGIC DEATHS, LMK IF YOU WANT ONE