If you are still Catholic you are going to hell. Sorry...
The British Monarchy/Crown is a Nazi pedovore part of the globalist cabal which is made up of the inbred Euro "royal" dynasties, the Edomite Rothschild Central Banking families and the Vatican.
Forget trying to take the Vatican back to a "traditional" state as so many "Roman" Catholics do want because the "Roman" branch formed after the schism is just an even more fake Christian and completely pagan/satanic perversion of Christianity.
It was formed by elite Italian ("Roman" and completely Edomite (descended from Esau) families who then spread their genetics throughout Europe to influence those populations and control those countries in order to destroy Judaism, (the true 'Chosen" of God who were descended from Jacob) and to absorb and pervert the early non-Catholic Christian movement and then later to destroy Protestantism!
If you are still a Catholic then you are going to Hell. Sorry ...