I’m quite busy, as usual lol
I’ve got more events coming up soon, so that’s good XD
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Noice, I'm somewhat busy too, I should be studying science but it's my second least favorite subject so I'm being slow, lazy, and I'm procrastinating a lot with it lmao
Oh science is my least favorite subject by far... & i did the same with biology. Chemistry i got done a lot quicker because it was more enjoyable (tho I don’t like science generally at all), & I’d figured out procrastination just makes you do stuff you don’t like longer. Lol
What do you not like more than it?
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I'm learning astronomy right now which isn't exactly boring but I would rather be doing something like social studies or math or ela. But what I hate more than science is gym. My gym teacher is terrible
O... i did astronomy in 1st grade XD (we did more advanced sciences immediately)
Oh I haven’t done gym in a LONNNG time lol
I can relate tho. What r social studies & ela?
Math has gotten confusing.
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In social studies we just learn about politics and history. Right now we're just doing ancient civilizations. English language arts we just do stuff like reading and I'm working on this thing were we have to get opinions from different sides on one topic. Math is really easy for me so I like doing it. For astronomy I have to memorize every planets features and their moons XD.