It is impossible to be both a Nazi and a communist since they are complete enemies of each other. You clearly know little at all of the two. NAZI itself means national socialist and Hitler described himself as a democratic socialist. Hitler said in his book and conversations that his national socialism was based on the philosophy of Karl Marx. Fascism is neither left or right wing, it takes principles from both. It is economically left wing, philosophically far left wing, but it takes extreme national and ethnic pride from the far right. As for gun control, the US doesn't need more gun control past making the FBI background checks stop glitching. Democrats distort the facts of gun deaths by counting suicide, which is 66% of gun usage here. So by removing that from the equation we have 11,000 gun deaths per year, not 33,000 like the dems keep saying. About 500 of those 11,000 homicides are justified defense. 90% of the remaining 10,500 homicides are gang violence, most of which is gang on gang and doesn't kill civilians. Violence is not driven by the weapon itself, which is what the advocates for gun control think, but that is false. Violence exists because bad people exist, so taking away or limiting their guns won't make them stop being horrible. That's why there are not only more knife deaths than total gun deaths per year, but countries like UK or Australia that tried gun control policies saw an increase in gun violence. You're going about this all wrong.