I was in a discord server and I joined the VC and this guy who sounded about five and was very self centered say in a little kid voice "hi, do you like fortnite?" This was the booga booga roblox discord server I was in. I'm a mod on this server so I said "you know you have to be 13 to use discord right?" to which he ignores me. I keep repeatevely asking him that same question and he keeps ignoring me, while going on about fortnite and his own life, at one point he mentions that he just got discord and his brother made that acc for him. After this goes on for a while I kick him from the call and give him a warning and he immediatly joins back, saying "why did they kick me? I'm nice." To which I repsonded with "bc ur under 13" me and the other mods are trying to get him to tell us his age and hes calling us "meanies". I finally get him to answer my question to which he responds "well I'm not 14," then he catches his mistake. "I'm 18" I said "u dont sound 18" "well I am, so get over it." At this point I've had enough and I dont want to get in trouble with discord so I ban him from the server.