Crony capitalism - I'm not sure what you are arguing.
crony capitalism always exists when businesses get too big. They work together to squash competitors. The only way to prevent that is to put policies, regulations, etc. in place to protect small businesses and consumers from those tactics.
And isn't paying for lobbyists to get laws passed that favor you just a good return on investment?
I'm not trying to convert you to any form of belief here, but honestly the tendency toward monopoly and crony capitalism is the flaw with unregulated capitalism. All the major 'isms' have strengths and flaws. Which I could go into...but....
Each 'ism' fixes issues with the others, but presents its own flaws. This is why no system has survived long in a pure form.
Conservatives have always called everything that isn't laisse faire capitalism either socialism or communism. They said it about unions, they said it about social security, they said it about labor laws related to set work weeks and overtime laws. Its one of the reasons it isn't a scary term to the left anymore. Everything is socialist...but Canada, Germany, etc. has the thing and are doing OK...are they socialist? Depends on who you ask. Do they have a comparable standard of living? Yes, yes they do.
Honestly, the 'isms' are just ideas, and whether certain things fall in one or the other can actually not be as clear as some would claim. Many far left movements tend towards anarchism and a distrust of all central government. If there is no government to speak of, then you are kind of back to pure capitalism. Many far right movements want a strong central leader and nationalist policies. Strong central governments need soldiers, taxes, and usually ignore due process in the name of expediency. Totalitarian regimes also don't tolerate dissenters.
Breaking up a monopoly is clearly a violation of pure capitalism, but without regulation, why wouldn't a business work to change laws to allow it to do anything it needs to?
If a group unionizes and performs collective bargaining, is that socialism by stifling competition and artificially setting the prices, or is that a group applying capitalist principles to their labor and working together to get the best prices they can for their labor?