gay is not an insult... but please don't be mean. people are allowed to have opinions. And just because people play fortnite does not mean they are gay or a noob. In my opinion, fortnite is a, uhh, ok game, i'd rather minecraft. Please don't be offensive and just think, if you said that to a fortnite player, how will they feel? You can't be a noob forever. anyone can have different opinions, It's ok if you think fortnite is bad, just keep those nasty thoughts to yourself. delete your mean comment and prevent offending people. you dont describe a game as "gay". gay only has two meanings. being mean is not nice and think about how many people you are offending with that comment. delete this please so that everyone would be happy. it's ok to comment your opinions but it is not ok to say it in a disrespectful matter. please prevent angry replies and sad people. I can lose my temper easily but I don't prefer to. I will respect your opinion but I will not appreciate how rude you said it. who cares if someone is gay? they are still normal people. in fact, gay people actually embrace being gay. besides. there are people who dislike games you play and people that like the games you play. respect people's opinions. this comment made you sound worse than the fortnite community. your grammar is also incorrect. please delete this comment and make everyone happy. delete or remake your comment to a respectful comment that everyone can appreciate. I doubt that Mojang hates fortnite and i doubt that mojang wanted his community to literally sue fortnite. let people play what they want to play because you are not the leader of the world and people are free to play whatever they want BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA!!! you do not choose what everyone plays. once again, delete your mean comments. hopefully you delete it because if you don't, I will take you on a guilt trip. everyone in this point played fortnite when it became popular. even you! So delete that mean comment.