1) When someone gets elected, they just become a Mod for this stream. but after that, then what happens?
2) People are all like "Oh vote for me!" Why? Why are we voting for a mod on a stream. This isnt politics. This is a meme site. I can understand choosing Biden or trump or whatever on real issues in the nation and the world, but voting for a president of the stream? I mean, whats he gonna do when he wins?
3) If someone DOES win... they gonna tell us what to do? "Do this!" or "Do that!" or "Do what i say or you're banned from the stream!" But at the same time, if they do win, They just become a moderator. Just so they can moderate the whole stream... And then what? They just gonna be inactive for a while?
Imagine being the new owner, and people are still doing campaign adds for the other people they elected.
It just seems kind of dumb to me. Go ahead. Hate on me all you want. This is just my opinion about the stream.