There’s certainly a lot of evidence to indicate the influence of billionaires on politics is pernicious. See Exhibit A: DJT (Yeah he’s not as wealthy as we all thought, but surely he is still cool for at least a billion, right?)
However, it’s a fact of life billionaires aren’t going away, unless they all band together to voluntarily relinquish their wealth to, say, $999.99999 million.
So, better to have them playing for our team than not.
There’s no iron law that says billionaires can’t vote to raise taxes on themselves, accept higher carbon emissions standards, etc. etc.
Billionaires are people too and they might be willing to take that financial hit in order to promote niche Democratic issues like LGBTQ rights or, you know, in an overall sense not having America devolve into a disease-ridden, third-world dictatorship under Republican misrule, which is also bad for the bottom-line.