The "Democrats" are Neo-Liberal cooperate shills. The only real difference they have with Republicans is that "Democrats" are less overtly destructive and they use different marketing ploys.
The Democrats don't even advocate for basic shit that's been standard for a long time in certain countries. For example, single payer healthcare. Even Social Democrats larping as Socialists think that's Socialism, likely because of red scare bullshit.
The whole "the left is after your free speech" thing is just a propaganda tool reactionaries use to promote and maintain a harmful status quo. Same thing goes for "Big Liberal Media" and "globalists" (which is less overtly fascist way of blaming Jews).
Now, if you care about "free speech" and having a government that doesn't touch it, then you would be an anti-statist. So why would you encourage blind defence of the constitution? Shouldn't that be the oppisite of anti-statism? It seems to me that what you guys (right-wingers) want a powerful governent as long it agrees with you and maintains the status quo. And if the government doesn't agree with you (for logical reasons), you larp as libertarians and claim that government is too big.
Intentional or not, your values boil down to "whatever f**ks over people I don't like (women, minorities, and poor people)". There's a reason we tend to say "f**k off, racist", and leave it at that. You should know how your own ideology of choice works, right? We shouldn't have to explain your own political views to you, right?
And top this all of, no. Neither "Democrats" or leftists are after free speech, as much as right-wing propaganda figures love to make it seem that way.