The deaths in VZ right now are caused by US sanctions preventing the importation of medicine. It is upsettingly similar to the shock doctrine treatment that the US gave Iraq under Clinton where hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children starved to death. I wish you weren't this dumb. You still haven't given me that citation. VZ was growing rapidly until the US govt decided to stand on its throat and prevent from engaging in trade with the world economy. I weep for your maggot infested brain, rotten from the inside from decades of uncritically swallowed McCarthyist propaganda.
Since you can't source that claim, I'll do it for you. It came from the little black book, which was Nazi propaganda. They included, among others, the Soviet soldiers who died fighting the Nazis, the Nazis who the soviets killed, the soviet citizens who starved under the blockade of stalingrad, the dead from the famine in ukraine after the war, and many more such bullshit statistics. If the Nazis that the soviets killed and the soldiers they lost killing them count as victims of the communism, then the methodology is bullshit. Enjoy being dumber than a sack of manure tho. it suits you, Zaklog.