This stream is in the utmost form of toxicity for several reasons:
1) Encourages Discrimination:
Certain members of this stream have posted memes asking others to spam certain streams related to religions or groups in which lgbtq is not completely tolerated. No matter how much they deserve it, that is discrimination. And if you make the argument “well they started it”, combatting evil with evil does no good.
2) Manipulating others to submit to their beliefs (AKA Brainwashing)
This stream was created in a good light, but when people say that Harry Potter is a disgusting person, for example, they imply their beliefs are infallible. They make you believe if you don’t think a certain thing, you’re a terrible person. This is so wrong on so many levels but for the sake of time I will exclude them.
3) Very little support for actual members of LGBTQ
Look around at the number of memes supporting actual LGBTQ members. I would guess that in the past seven days, only 40% of memes are supportive TOPS.
4) Bashing other users for not submitting to their beliefs
Although it is necessary to stay at watch, posting every homophobic comment you come across will get you absolutely nowhere. Actually, that is a lie. It will get you to war, unrest, and division. If you actually wanted peace, you would stop fighting.
5) Anti-FreeSpeech
The members of the LGBTQ stream are oversensitive and whiny, so when a person comments something against them, they will send every friend they have to destroy them. This corresponds with #2 in that you are seen as a horrible person for merely standing up for your beliefs.
6) Naive and untrustworthy
On top of all that, most people in this stream are hormonal teenagers who can’t discern shit, so most of the stuff posted here is gonna be exaggerated or even made up. The stream isn’t even trustworthy. The only person I know who posts in this stream who is level-headed is Kamikaze. Others are questionable or just straight up stupid.
I can name more, if you’d wish