HOW COULD THE “GRANDMOTHER OF WICCA WITCHCRAFT” COME FROM A CHRISTIAN HOME? By her mother, Margaret Murray was raised as a devout Christian and even "become a Sunday School teacher to preach the faith. But after entering the academic profession, she rejected religion.” Her turning point occurred when she went to secular college. I've shared this statistic many times and it really seems to show up in stories that get more plentiful every year:; After the first year of college, over 80% of young people who have grown up in a Christian homes, reject the Christian faith. It is a war zone out there and even our Christian kids are not being equipped for the fight because our Churches are not preaching the whole Bible to make disciples of those young men and women. If they're not taught this important information, Churches are throwing them to the wolves and those young people are going to be eaten alive. Apparently, that's what happened to Margaret Murray, forever
known as the “Grandmother of Wicca Witchcraft."