No, Democrats aren't persecuting the church. They're simply trying to make sure that church stays separate from state. Which is the active struggle that I can agree with them on. I don't want Christian views imposed on my individuality through governmental law.
Democrats are all about freedom of religion. That's why they respect Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism (which technically isn't a religion), Judhaism, Hinduism, etc. Everyone should have the freedom to worship their own respective imaginary friends. Personally? I like to enjoy my skepticism. Which, isn't to say I am not spiritual, or that I don't believe in Jesus Christ. I digress.
The only thing that really made sense was your first sentence. The rest was kinda... eh.
Democrats do have faith, just not always what you have faith in. I mean, how can you attack the faith of the entirety of the Democrats when some are even practicing Christians? How can you attack their faith when you claim that your own faith is being attacked? Shouldn't you... What's that phrase...
Turn the other cheek?
And what's all that stuff about... "That's where the ballot boxes are, (where?) its a matter of power isnt it, (huh?) I mean why should I have faith in the government? (Uhm, what're you talking about?)