So if the Flu At 0.1% equals 33000 deaths based on a U.S 330 million population figure.
How can 210,000 deaths from Corona /Covid based upon the same 330 million population equate to the 3.1% death count being correct?
You are not informed enough to be making claims even on a meme site.
Flu numbers vary considerably year to year and 33000 sounds like a low year not an average year even.
If your numbers are correct then Corona is over 6 times deadlier than a regular flu not 3 times.
But this still makes it a pretty weak virus in terms of its virulence.
All indications are that SARS-COV2 isn't even responsible for a tenth of the quoted Death numbers.
Everywhere in the world even the countries with the lowest death rates they all indicate that the comorbidity factor for covid is beyond 90%. Further proof that this is just a scam.