I am aware that Trump remains continually aggrieved and conservatives are still – and I won't use the word “butthurt,” because political discussions in The_Think_Tank aim to be above such commentary, so I'll just say "upset" -- over the fact that the Trump campaign's correspondence with Russians was tracked (“spied on!”) by the FBI, investigated ("Russiagate hoax!"), and ultimately exposed ("no personal involvement!").
However, what conservatives and even many liberals fail to understand is that Mueller's investigation was tasked with the job of investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election *generally*. The Trump campaign's relation to that was just a side-issue. A real thing, and of obvious and overwhelming political importance to the country, but not actually the main focus. Mueller was primarily tasked with uncovering Russian nefariousness and protecting the integrity of the election, full stop.
And when it comes to that nefarious Russian activity, DJT Jr. must not have “loved it!” ironically -- because it turns out there was no Russian dirt on HRC after all. However, when there is suspicious potentially fraudulent election-related activity, it warrants an investigation. It's what the FBI does.
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” as a wise man once said.
But no: none of this amounted to a denial of the 2016 election results, or even an attempt to “overturn” the 2016 election. Recall Trump was never impeached over Russiagate: because again, "no personal involvement!" (Although plenty of Trump's close associates were bagged for various crimes, not to mention the indictments of Russians).
Trump could have even crawled away from this Russiagate scandal mostly undamaged and even bolstered, had he not gone and stuck his nose in Ukraine in an effort to manufacture dirt on the Bidens the literal day after Mueller's congressional testimony. Can't make this stuff up. That time, there was smoking-gun evidence of Trump's personal involvement [see transcript of call], and so impeachment resulted.
A "boogaloo" of Russiagate? In a way yes, in a way no. And if it was a boogaloo, it's because of Trump and his advisors' meddling, not because of the FBI's investigation ("spying!"), the whistleblower reports ("disloyalty!"), or the Democrats' justified attempts to follow up on all these revelations by insisting upon accountability/making Trump pay a political price for all of this ("IMPEACHMENT HOAX!!!").
Play more stupid games, win more stupid prizes.