What...you make one statement in this meme that any 8th grader could come up with, i.e., "Obama has 8", a statement that isn't even relevant, because he isn't even running, a fact hilariously pointed out by Sydney...someone with more intelligence in his left testicle (something you'd know nothing about) than you have in that mass of grey liver pudding on your shoulders you call a brain. That's your basis for claiming you're smart?
What sources do you need to know the obvious that I pointed out? Obama lost the house and senate two years in and never got it back. Seriously, ya just have to be alive to know that. If you need a source for that, then you're too ignorant for this stream.
He lost his SCOTUS pick because of that. If you need a source, wait until you take a basic civics class. That's common knowledge for those of us that actually got educated coming up.
Research why Obama lost all of his Democratic support...he was power- hungry and ignorant due to his own inexperience coming in. His last six years was nothing but Executive orders, that were easily dismantled by a cheap bic pen. The fact that you need a source for Wikipedia level knowledge reveals that you're middleschool-level and not likely to do well in college.. assuming one would take you.
As far as insults go, I left those alone. You started those with your 'stupidness" remark leveled at me. Everything that followed is on you, not that I mind. So, enjoy your mom's house. You're going to be there for a while, getting used to your life of mooching off society.