Venn-Diagramm, Different Object Items:
Blue Jeans Jacket,
Blue Jeans,
Black pants,
Bucket of Coke/Lemonade,
Yellow/Orange Shirt,
Black with heel,
Black without heel and white strings/painting,
Blonde -Brunette/-Black mix
Logical conclusion:
IT must be the one with the handbag, which has more in common with all others she is admitting to herself. So it is a liar, because who isn't honest to oneself also can't be honest to others, furthermore
she also suffers from a shifted perception of the reality and one can deduct she also has a very incomplete ( in compare to the reality) disney land in her mindset.
Further they might want to signal to be one club/group or something like they think they were ( "we are friends" " we belong/hold together" p.e.), but they can't even properly wear a uniform.
so not suitable for military purposes because of a lack of discipline.
Problematic point if it comes really hard,
this group will suddenly fall apart, because at least a part of them is mainly focused onto status symbols.
Discussion types 3,2: "have you heard ...", "have you seen ..."
(1) Great minds discuss ideas;
(2) average minds discuss events;
(3) small minds discuss people.
—Eleanor Roosevelt
So far a quick analysis with a probability of around of 80% according to a Gaussian standard deviation.