This math research was brought to you by the US Educational system - circa 8th Grade.
328 Million people in the US. 6.7 Million Cases, around 200,000 deaths.
328 Million -- 10% is 32.8 Million. 1% is 3.28 Million. 3.28 multiplied by 2 - Gives us 6.56 Million. So roughly a 2% chance thus far of catching COVID 19.
Or look at it as 6.7/328 = 0.0204
That is your infection rate. 2%
Death Rate by infection case. Divide the death count by the Infected cases.
200,000/6,700,000 = 0.0298 which is roughly a 3% fatality rate of infectionion to death.
Looking at Mass Population to Death rate - we can see that 200,000/328,000,000 gives us 0.00060976 percentage of our population dead from COVID-19.