WHY SHOULD CHRISTIANS STUDY THE OCCULT, WITCHCRAFT, AND SATANISM? [2 of 2] This whole subject of the occult, witchcraft, and ritual human sacrifice is just as disturbing as the other study we recently completed: “Abortion: The Mass Murder of Children.” Obviously, that too was a tough subject, but also extremely important for us to understand so that we can help combat it. These tragedies are really going on every day and God tells us Christians to be the light in this world. We must be the ones to reach out a hand to help those children being murdered, as well as the ladies that are lied to about how abortion is supposedly acceptable to fix the inconvenience that a baby will have on a woman's lifestyle. Yet, 100% of the time that act destroys the women who do it. We have to deal with abortion. And it's the same with these occult practices we are being equipped on. All these subjects are hard to hear but important for us to understand so we can hopefully help. Again, even though the occult is clearly something we don't want to mess with, Hollywood actually glamorizes it and even has the audacity to put it into cartoons that seduce our kids into these practices that very well could even result in those same kids being victims of something horrendous like what we’ve discovered in the study of the occult. It's sickening and explains why God has such strong words
against anything to do with witchcraft and other occult practices.