Absolutely. After the 2015 oil bust I substitute taught for a while in local schools because my wife didn't like be telling people I was pretired. One new and improved concept is to put the kids in pods- groups of 4 where they slide all their desks into a square and they all work together on assignments. Like every kid who was ever born, the slackers coast and let the motivated kids do all the work. The motivated kid doesn't want to fail and face the consequences from concerned parents at home so they do all the work and the kid who doesn't quite get it gets left in the dust and never gets it. Oh but that's solved by peer teaching, where the kid who gets it relates it to the ones who don't in terms kids can understand. In other words the students are teaching the class. To be honest, the teachers never learn how to teach fundamentals, but they do learn how different ethnicity's have different learning styles. Instead of grading 28 papers, teachers only have to grade 7 from the 7 pods. They have no clue who gets it and who doesn't. There's a whole lot more BS as well, one being "conflict resolution" where the if the students have a conflict, they excuse themselves from the class and go out into the hall unsupervised to "work out" their differences. One group of 4 girls would constantly get bored with the assignments and would go into the hall for a bullshitting session 2 or 3 times in an hour. When I checked on them, I was scolded, when I called them on the dodge, they turned me into the principal for interfering with their "resolution" process. Yup. It was in 8 different schools I taught at.