I have to give you credit for one thing. Your explanation of how you get news is exactly how I get my news. Its the exact way that I learned that "trickle down" was a lie and a way for the GoP to pull the wool over everyone's eyes as they gave this nation's wealthiest $TRILLIONS of our money. Surprising how many tRUMPf cultists conveniently ignore those facts. Saving face is a wonderful thing.
Its also how I learned of tRUMPf's sorted past both sexually and with business dealings. Its how I learned that he is using the presidency for his own nefarious needs and those of his billionaire buddies. The evidence is overwhelming which leads me to the conclusion that you are either purposely lying about your knowledge of current events, or you are just trying to save face. Because there is no way anyone could be that stupid. (Or maybe you just pick and choose your "videos")
All the people from tRUMPf's election staff are indicted, under investigation, or in jail. Several business associates are either dead or in jail. Half his administration are either resigned, forced to quit, or fired. Already 3 times as much as Nixon's staff. But you close your eyes and call it fake news.
Well YOU are fake news and you are DEFINITELY a FOX NEWS DRONE!!!!!! Have fun letting your fuhrer get away with more crime.
PS: I can't wait for his administration to end and all the legal proceedings to begin. They'll start with the children's charity that he started so he could raise money for his campaign. BTW...a New York court already found him guilty. Oh wait...let me guess....you haven't seen that. Its fake news. Right Fox Boy?