Without a doubt you use this stream the most, and as such have had a major impact on the tone of it, but I can tell you that it certainly hasn't become 'PolticsTOO II'(I couldn't resist adding roman numerals).
Because you have made an effort to engage the other side in some of your past memes and to find common ground. It is true I haven't seen that type of content in a while, and have barely seen any content from users with opposing viewpoints. You're worried that your heavy use of the stream has made it inhospitable to said users, but I think different factors have caused their absence. For starters, this stream is on the smaller side, so while it may get a new follower here and there(which I do appreciate), it certainly isn't as prevalent as the 'politics' or 'PoliticsTOO' streams. Those attract the majority of those with political interests on this site.
No, I don't think you shouldn't step back from the stream(and I'm not saying that because you post the majority of content here). Keep posting as much as you like, it wouldn't be fair to hold you to a double standard.
My generation isn't that great. I appreciate your faith in us and I hope you're right, but we really aren't that great.
I'll be honest with you: about 2 months ago I stopped paying attention to the presidential election. Oh sure, I hope Biden wins, and I'd vote if I could, but man I can't say I'm really very excited at all. Either way the election goes there's gonna be trouble, hopefully not too much but trouble nonetheless. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but everyone called the preppers crazy until the pandemic kicked in hard. As John Fogetry would say: 'There's a bad moon on the rising'.