Well, pedophilia is not the attraction to people younger than you. It is usually associated with actual adolescence, like being attracted to infantile behavior or bodies that haven't yet grown the typical adult features. Since that is pretty problematic in most cases as those people might not yet understand what sex or consent is and are generally easily manipulated by someone older it is forbidden in most countries. Usually, an adult isn't allowed to date anyone under 18 with some room for edge cases like a couple where one is barely below 18 and the other only barely above. But it will require some serious argumentation and a few statements from psychologists to prove that someone over 30 is having a legitimate relationship with someone who is only 16 or 17. And below a certain age it will always be illegal for an adult to have a relationship with them. Now, from my "definition" above you will argue that there is a big difference between an obviously pre-puberty body and a 17 year old and that is certainly correct in most cases. The age line at 18 is not perfect in more than one way but in most countries this is the official border between child and adult. That doesn't mean that you'll be ready to be an adult the day you turn 18 but officially you will be accountable for the decisions you make to a very large degree. And that also includes understanding what consent is and being able to make decisions for what you do or let someone do with your body. I know that this is a very dangerous claim to make in some cases depending on the sex ed you might have gotten or not gotten during your school time but this is all we get, apparently.