yeah, you did. You posted the same crap a few days ago...I remember.
It isn't "Trump's recession",he didn't bring this to our shores...un-restricted travel and Democrat policies brough this to our shores. Trump tried to stop endless immigration and impose travel bans and you and your fiends in the Dem Party lost their minds and screeched "RACIST' and "XENOPHOBE".
I see you young, spoiled brats everyday, and yes, most of you are lazy. "Laboring" ? LOL My generation(Generation AWESOME) brought you computers, cell phones, big screen TV's, and unprecidented prosperity and freedom. And you morons piss it all away
Again, I see you spoiled brats who "graduate" from public schools and you can't even fill out an employment application. And I paid taxes to educate you snots, not to build Taj Mahal administration buildings, natatoriums, and football stadiums.
Yet you can't spell "brother", you imbecile.
I want educators to educate, not INDOCTRINATE. Public schools teach you how to put a condom on a banana and how to whine and how to be a drain on public resources. Private schools prepare you to become a productive member of society.
I have ONE(1) home...the same one for 35+years, junior.