Yeah, and I've seen articles about more people who are completely free of COVID-19 even tested negative afterward, and of whom some became ill soon after again due to getting re-infected.
The issue with COVID-19 is that the world never responded adequately. From the very start. First by thinking the virus would remain in China (which was pretty naive), but when the virus mysteriously popped up in Italy in a village that was in no way connected to China at all, you could already count 1+1 to come to the conclusion the virus would actually make a low number of people ill, yet still be able to infect other people, and thus, the virus must have made its way to Italy in an indirect manner. Still people got no further than just locking down Italy. When the rest of the world locked down we were already at a point such lockdowns would be like closing your borders for an upcoming war while all enemy armies are already on your side of the border.
And I do think scientists know more. But there's another issue. The political nature of the issue. It's like match if the Netherlands is with it's more open lockdown doing better than France who insisted on a North-Korean like lockdown, and France and Belgium badmouthing the Netherlands for "experimenting on their own people", and well, basically all countries were in on that. And now Russia tries to steal the show with presenting a first vaccine and the rest of the world doubting that vaccine works or is safe, due to Russia's reputation in general, and so we can rant on. The face mask discussion has also become more political than scientific. How can we possibly trust any information either in the form of numbers or in the form of medical facts/findings/whatever?
And you gotta admit that when two medics, one claiming face masks help and the other claiming they are actually more dangerous than not wearing them, does work confusing. Right? And both claim to have medical evidence too.
The virus issue has become a joke, and the one laughing hardest is the virus itself. I've been trying for months to try to filter sense from nonsense, and to also look a bit further than the media tells you. I do have base knowledge of microbiology (professional training I never finished), and I've also do studies in dealing with information... And if you do that, you'll fall from one shocking amazement into another (perhaps that's a bit of a Dutch way of speaking, but you get the picture I hope).