WHY DO SOME HINDU'S DROWN THEIR OWN CHILDREN? Hindu teachings actually cause people to murder their children by tossing them into the Ganges River. Those parents believe the river is a goddess that will grant them favor and cleanse them of sin for sacrificing their child to it. They literally throw their live children into the river in an attempt to motivate the goddess to help them escape some sort of bad situation in their life or from the fictitious reincarnation cycle. What in the world is that, if not demonic?! The religion of Hinduism is not the peaceful practice many in the West perceive it to be. Hollywood has romanticized it while today it’s also being sold to the public in our taxpayer-financed schools. And businesses are profiting from employing Hindu techniques and portraying them as nothing but helpful and healthy for us. But they are not! There's a demon behind it. Hinduism is dark. And the more you mess with it, the darker it's going to get even though those practitioners
won’t mention the downside when they snooker you into it.