Wow ,guess you haven't been to the Bronx where all public schools have bars on the Windows and many have metal detectors at the entrances for the students ...there is a thing called illegal guns ,knives , machetes etc .... I'm for back ground checks on guns and screening the mentally ill from having guns but seriously have you ever lived in a city in a crime ridden neighborhood ? My guess is you have not , they need those drills !! do you have a clue how much crime occurs in the outer burroughs ? I guess not ! It's not fun for the folks who live there . The only reason people are bringing this up as a right wing issue is because no once seems to care when gun violence occurs in a minority neighborhood , it was only until Columbine, Sandy Hook and Stonebridge happened that folks woke up . There is nothing wrong with having a legal gun permit to carry ...the illegal guns are a huge problem for folks teens and adults who live in crime ridden cites ...I know this first hand. There's two sides to every story ...we all need to meet in the middle . Banning guns is not the answer . Lack of enforcement of illegal gun trafficking needs to be dealt with , life in prison is the answer to that no early parole. I do agree with banning military type assault guns , banning bumb stock only is not the answer .Remember prohibition , moonshine ? That didn't go well now did it ? Shootings happen outside of school too you know to children and teens ,when you live in a city gun violence or any type of violence doesn't end outside the school ...nope it's everywhere . . .you have to experience it to get what I'm saying ...As for masks they should wear them ... only the far right boogaloo , proud boys , Alex Jones , far right Trump extremists make idiot's of themselves about wearing one but hey there are lots of idiot's doing stupid things on both sides , can't fix stupid . ...