tru dat! could run a sample test with like one to a dozen or more monkeys for five minutes, then have the computers type the average number of words per minute in less than a second to 'speed up the process without compromising the million monkeys typing for a million years chronology requirements' and be done in seconds or minutes or hours, at least checking their works against internet texts that is, which doesn't have all texts ever actually written on it yet, handwritten and otherwise, and the hypothesis claims all prewritten works, and plus there'd be the stuff most would call gibberish, not masterworks, though what if they all are masterworks and we simply don't have the perspective to notice, or the knowledge to get that in the future or somewhere in space or in the past the 'words' they hakjdhbv9o098typed are actually words that make sense, and however many math codes or patterns each 'work' could yield or reveal if checked for its presence, if noticed there, and so on, subjectivity in the judging process...such is life...what better things exist for any computer or person to be working on...though isn't it true one could spend their time doing much worse, and either way, what next...what'll be...