me and the bois jumped out of a heli then we landed on a deli which bounced us over to kelly which made us board a heli and it starts over until we die
I think I got shot in the neck and stabbed in the hip...
i know its a myth but its fun to make stuff up lol
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Honestly I probably fell off something and broke my neck (I have a small birthmark on my neck) and also landed on my arm or it like slid across the grond cause I have a really weird mark on my arm.
Its like a small line then a small space, and a bigger line blob thing. I have never actually seen the one on my neck tho.
Never heard of that.
But um...I'm not entirely sure. I have some marks but I don't know if I've always had them, but I also know they're not scars.
I think I have one birthmark though, so I would've just gotten shot in the ribs.