Have you thought about a God honoring person like me? I am as free to make it and share my heart as you are to share yours as you wish. My freedom is mine to do as I wish. This truth is for whoever is seeking the truth. You are free to choose and so are others. So this is my choice and people who enjoy what I create. If it is not for you you can keep doing as you wish. However, you cannot take someone else's freedom away. I perhaps like blue and you like purple just because you would choose purple does not mean you can say everyone has to choose purple as you do. Blue has a right to exist as well. Have a nice day! :)
Do not tell me what to do. Thank you. I am not telling you how to make memes. I would not share some you made but I am not on yours telling you that. Please do you and I will do me. I do not follow your rules anymore than you follow mine. You are free and so am I to post what I wish, Mr. Shot. You do you because I am totally going to share whatever I wish. This site approved what I put that is good enough for me :)
Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Shotgun. I appreciate your respect in return for me showing you respect. Thank you for taking the time to let me know you respect our freedom to create. I do wish you the best. Enjoy your time.
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I agree with the bad part and this the fun stream jeez ppl go submit it in religion stream or something
You are free to keep moving. Life is a buffet. I can offer as I wish then people can choose for themselves. To ask to remove an option because it is not for you is not the way life works, Oodels. It means everyone is free to choose. My choice is mine. You can choose for you but not me. Enjoy your day! :)