I am aware that you did not your info in your last paragraph from the CDC, but rather from a facebook page. N95 masks don’t work by sieving out larger particles. In fact, they are worse at collecting large particles than smaller ones. COVID particles don’t travel alone; rather, they need to travel on miniscule droplets of saliva about a micron in size, which can then get on other people’s faces and contaminate them. Masks keep you from inhaling those particles, not with 100% accuracy, but just enough to almost guarantee that you won’t contract the virus. If the person who talked or coughed towards you was wearing a mask, then your chances of contraction are even lower.
N95 masks work because of some factors. One is a phenomenon known as brownian motion, in which small particles chaotically move everywhere. This makes particles smaller than 0.3 microns actually more prone to being caught by the mask.
Second, the mask itself uses electrostatic absorption, which attracts and traps smaller particles instead of just letting them pass through. Third, it’s much more efficient than no mask at all.
N95 masks aren’t called that just as an item code, it defines a 95% efficiency for stopping particles from being inhaled. It’s impossible to make a mask with 100% efficiency, as there’s no guarantee that all particles will be caught by the mask. That’s why the government wants mask wearing, which will decrease contraction chances to 1.5%, which, combined with six feet and the lockdown, will make the best possible way to control the virus.
The anti mask debate is a very biased and selfish argument which derives its information from facebook pages and unreliable research. Other maskers and I derive our information from experts. If the info that we hear isn’t reliable or from reliable sources, then we likely wouldn’t be hearing it. Science does have flaws, but it’s better to trust it than a social media page, as long as it is backed by controlled research and logic and evidence.
The government’s compulsory order to wear masks is not tyranny. It’s an effort to control and hopefully eventually end the pandemic. If the experts are right, then wearing a mask can save lives and protect you. If not, the worst of it is having an uncomfortable piece of cloth on your face. If you’re willing to put other people at risk just for self comfort, then that’s very selfish. I wish the best for you too, and I hope you will be a good citizen who cares about others. Thanks.🙏