TL:DR The Feds have identification on them, Antifa are being assholes and thats why the Feds got called in. The guy being taken away by Feds is probably an informant.
Ah yes CNN , the most unbiased news source there is. Basically you told me to not look at Right wing news while giving me Left wing news. If someone is getting picked up by the Feds , there is a good reason for it. Either they are snitching or they have f**ked up real bad.
Show me more than one incident of the "big bad Federal agents kidnapping the poor innocent Antifa protesters". Otherwise its more than likely an isolated incident. The guy getting "kidnapped" didn't even get restrained with cuffs.
(so maybe a snitch?)
Look , I understand that it seems really spooky and scary. It really isn't. The Feds not only have a patch to show who they are with, but a little handy dandy Badge Number on the same arm as well. (Example of the patch and Badge number)
My meme I posted is pretty much why Feds were put in Portland. Antifa would rather kill innocent officers then protest peaceably.
BTW, im no fan of CNN or Fox, they are both biased and GAY.