I know about his past.... Some Dutch journalists have dug into his business relations with "not very fresh boys" (which is of course an understatement), and the show they made about their findings was shocking to put it mildly, and that is just of the many things I've been confronted. Still just doing things blinded for the consequences (even when they take lives) or being a direct murderer are two different things. And nobody calls *me* dangerously naive without being beyond stupidity themselves! A fact I've proven many many times, so that one you should take back. I know Trump is a dangerous man, I don't need you to tell me that. But I am also a person wants accusations as heavy as these to be fully proven, and I cannot. He's rather careless and not thinking things through, yes, with terrible consequences, yes, and he's unwilling to see them, yes. However I do know a president who is also dangerous, who is not careless and thinking things through and to whom many murders may not be proven, but are so coincidental that I can't help to think that president may be responsible. I cannot compare Trump to the way that president works.... Being blinded by hatred over Trump can also lead to drawing the wrong conclusions, no matter how incompetent Trump is. I've seen miscarriages of justice based on hatred such as the kind you are displaying now. And accusing Trump of things he did not do will only fortify his position. So I think you murder-campaign can be dangerous. I cannot rule out Trump would do such a thing, but based on the information I've been fed (which is to say... a lot), I cannot copy the accusations in the way you present them now.