wow... This actuall does fit in with the prophecy I wrote.
The battle long
the opponents strong.
and not even the Demon can stop it
so the dragon has to put it away and lock it
when two come from water and flame
and the shines down on fame.
Then begins the battle
in which the mountains and valley rattles.
only true love can win on evil.
but they won't have the right people.
when he gets there to late
the girl has sealed her fate.
one must leave the earth behind.
so with her father che can dine.
the other must be put in place.
so she can rule time and space.
fear not this can be stopped.
but only with whats under the rock
(I do believe eveything you need to solve this is in the RP. and Don't check the AU's those wont help)
((well scince were not RPing might as well drop in some lore.))
((good luck Cheez and Luni. your gonna need it))
((also Luni did you see the OC I made based on you? ))