No. Not to me or any other clear thinking person.
The "rates" are just numbers constantly being adjusted. We are testing more than nearly all other countries. We likewise created more havoc with the proven unnecessary lockdowns. Now the media and the left are trying to extend the problem with more lockdowns. They're misusing the numbers to claim we reopened too early and all that other nonsense.
As Ron Paul stated, we're now being told to panic over "cases" instead of "deaths" to make things still seem "scary". It's not. The whole thing was botched by the WHO and the CDC and the liberals played right along with it.
I didn't say, as you misread, that other countries were "improving" anything. I said that the numbers resulting in those rates changing. Backfilling "cases" to increase the denominator while the numerator (deaths) is barely changing is going to result in a lower "rate". So no... they aren't better than the USA or handling it such... the numbers are just being refined.
Regardless, the ranking is meaningless and we clearly need to be MORE OPEN, not less so... but the blue state tyrants are keeping the panic going as they don't want to lose control.