Good is a concept. Many think the word is derived frrom God. But, there are others who say it is not. But, it is clear that it means something positive. My use of it here is referring to humans who posess positive values. Your negative view of humanity notwithhstanding, I would argue that small children are basically good people. It is when we learn to hate and spread that hate, we lose our goodness. I will leave it to othhers to judge whether or not I am a good person. But, this posting was meant to congratulate the people of Mississippi for removing a symbol of hate from their state flag. Why someone would use it to attempt to demean the author, is up to the readers. My question is , "Does it hurt to hate people and ideas so much that you feel compelled to act out so inappropriately all the time?" I don't mean by disagreeinng with me. If you want to do that you join a large number of people. But, nothing about this message was aimed at you or what I understand to be your core beliefs. You appear to be motivated to not allow a positive message across the aisle to stand unmolested. Shame on you.