Hahaha, well thank you for correcting my grammar. There is nothing in your post that indicates you were being sarcastic. Unless I knew you and had some backdrop for your sentiment I would not know it was sarcasm. Looks like support for the meme attacking another American icon. I stand corrected on you being a Commie sympathizer.
You believe that pointing out some flaw of character gives you the permission to remove or erase the history. By your logic all statues should come down all history be erased all over the world because you have superimposed a modern ethic on historic actions And performance. Your review of people is one dimensional to support your argument but lacks the responsibility to take in the broader scope of a mans actions. You are the true useful fool tool of the communists and anarchists.
Your funny, doesn’t matter everything I said stands you think FDR was a racist but your against tearing down his statue. Great argument, I’m sure that will save that statue as everyone will get your quirky sarcasm. We both know you could care less.
I could teach a class on history. And it’s easy to convict someone for a wartime decision. There were real threats to the Japanese population on the west coast as people were upset after Pearl Harbor. To say nothing of the espionage potential in a time when we were actually unprepared and Japanese attacks on our coast were a possibility and small scale attacks actually happened. So STFU professor.
Your argument contradicts itself saying on one hand they took racist action but also were not racist Because they could discern Japanese Americans from adherents to the empire. It can’t be both. You are so ignorant I find it amusing. You ever seen any posters from the era? We were at war f**kwich they didn’t say nice things. Were you on the west coast during those times? Ever talked to anybody that was? I did? So don’t tell me how you think people felt or thought until you do.
We should never forgive a president who rounded up and jailed citizens based SOLELY on race, caused record unemployment, appeased Russian dictators, and constantly nodded to southern racists. Tear down the statues