They DID!
I'd like to fill you in, if I may. John Cabot was the navigator exploring on behalf of the British state.
We had a war against the British - quite a big one! And after the revolution, anti-British sentiment was so high that it was decided - two hundred and forty years ago - that we would pay reverence to Christopher Colombus who discovered Cuba or something and not to John Cabot, who discovered literally us (for the purposes of international trade).
Did I say that clearly enough? Christopher Columbus IS THE HISTORICAL REVISIONISM. The John Cabot statues were taken down BECAUSE HE WAS AN OFFENSIVE SYMBOL AT THE TIME.
Now. In all my years of following politics, I have not heard ONE SINGLE ONE of you f**kers saying "you know what? We believe in history so the confederate statues should stay up, but we're in agreement that Christopher Columbus' statues should be taken down and replaced with John Cabot ones."
And we all know why: because the excuse of preserving culture and history is ONE BIG FAT LIE on your part.