The reason I tend to steer clear of gun-related debates on imgflip is because most pro-gun memes are related to America, which has the right to bear arms in the second amendment of their constitution. Guns have become a pretty key component of American culture, so trying to ban them outright could cause more harm than good. I believe that anything built specifically with the purpose of causing bodily harm (which is what guns are) should be as restricted as possible in nations like the UK. However, I still believe that guns should be restricted in the US. The second amendment does say "well regulated" for a reason. Also, I believe that the teachings of the Bible, Jesus Christ and the New Covenant try to make it clear that violence is not the answer. If America really is "one Nation under God", they would follow the teachings of religious texts that are far older and more widely respected than the constitution. Mike Pence, who is pro-gun, claims to be "a Christian, a Conservative, and a Republican, in that order". If that were true, he would respect the teachings of the Bible, Jesus Christ and the New Covenant (which I assume would oppose guns) over the constitution.