Language: Sindarin; History: Sindarin was created to be a "sister language" to Quenya. While many words are obvious cognates, the two languages are mutually unintelligible. It originally was called Goldogrin (Gnomish), because it was the language that the gnomes (later to be called the Noldor) spoke while in Beriliand. After Tolkien's death, it was further developed by linguist David Salo for the Lord of the Rings movies. Creator: J. R. R. Tolkien; Purpose: While I can get no solid evidence for this, I believe Tolkien created Sindarin after he started work on The Silmarillion, so he could create a more realistic linguistic environment for Quenya. Example: A Elbereth Gilthoniel, silivren penna míriel o menel aglar elenath! (O Queen of stars who kindleth them, the firmament slants down, it's stary host shimmering like jewels!)