Who's strong and brave here to save the American Way?
Who's vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?
Who will campaign door to door for America?
Carry the flag shore to shore for America?
From Hoboken to Spokane?
The Star Spangled Man with a plan!
We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win!
Who'll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goose from Berlin?
Who will indeed lead the call for America?
Who'll rise or fall, give his all, for America?
Who's here to prove that we can?
The Star Spangled Man with a plan!
Stalwart and steady and true!
(See how this guy can shoot! We tell you, there's no substitute!)
Forceful and ready to defend the red, white, and blue!
(The red, white and blue!)
Who'll give the Axis the sack and is smart as a fox?
(Sure as an Eagle will soar!)
Who's makin' Adolph afraid to step out of his box?
(He's knows what we're fighting for!)
Who'll whip the giant attacking America?
We know it's no one but Captain America!
Who'll finish what they began?
Who'll kick the Krauts to Japan?
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!
(Who's strong and brave here to save the American way?)