Yes, because the creation WAS good before the events in the garden. Sin is the reason the law was put in place, it is the reason bad things happen, and it is the reason, ultimately, that there are unbelievers today. And if I had lived back then, I probably would disagree with what God was saying. But since I live now, where the Bible shows the full picture, I see why He did it, to bring about a greater good and save more people. Yes, it may be the same thing, but they release the slaves after seven years. It is still horrible, I'm not trying to make excuses for it, but it's where society was at. As for child sacrifices, while they were acceptable only to a certain extent. They were also used for religious purposes, and that goes against the original law that God had given the Israelites, to have no other gods but Him. To me, living in the 21st century, yes, they are horrible. I know that it was for a purpose to keep the Israelites set apart and on the right path, but it seems really harsh for today's world because it wasn't meant for today's world. It was for back then. Yes, I understand that, but the scribes had more to lose by copying it then they did not. And there is evidence outside of the Bible, I just don't need it. You might, and I'd recommend the Case for Christ which shows a high amount of corroborative evidence supporting the Bible. A few big ones would be Josephus' accounts of Jesus, geographical locations, and several archeological findings such as people mentioned in the bible's tombs and such. There is more, but I am no theologian and I could not give you a complete list. Saul enlisted the person to kill him, is that not killing himself? And the area the Amalekites invaded was near Philistine, so the people who wrote those separate books might have called the soldier whom Saul had kill himself both of those things. Yes, there were separate accounts, but they were from different people who had different sources.