You are funny. Science cannot explain gravity. No one has ever claimed to. Science cannot explain magnetism. No one has ever claimed to. Science cannot explain light. Though is pretends to, by saying it is “particle and a wave” - which is hilariously just an observation. Science also cannot explain life. And no one has ever claimed to.
I know exactly what the mistake you are making is. You believe, religiously, that observed natural phenomena are “science” and therefore explained or proven by science. When they often are not. Especially with these four phenomena. You will then, also religiously, insist that god cannot exist. The only thing you are insisting, in actuality, once your religious belief in “science” is removed, is that the only things that are real are things you can observe.
You say god is not real, because you cannot observe it. However, you will live your life observing miracle after magical miracle, every single day, which science cannot explain, like light, gravity, magnetism and life. To name a few. Without ever being able to observe that all of these observable phenomena directly contradict everything science will ever prove.
I used to religiously believe in science. Until I actually studied it. The more it is studied, the more obvious it all becomes. Science is mainly a system of labeling discoverable observable phenomena. It rarely proves anything and barely understands anything. Things taken for granted at the outset, like gravity, light, magnetism and life are what hides the absurd nonsense we call “science.”
It starts by tricking everyone into ignoring those 4 basic things that are, literally, magical phenomena that will never be explained. The same way “science” claims primitive cave men with wooden tools built the pyramids, built Manchu Pichu, Teotihuacan and Puma Punku. When, even with all of our science and technology, we cannot build these today.
It simple human stupidity. There is an ordered system of matter and interactions. But there are also, within that, all kinds of magical phenomena. If you honestly believe that things like WiFi internet and cellular service are not miraculous miracle forces—you are a fool. Because even science knows that these forces are being beamed all over the universe as natural forces all the time. Just like radio waves and x-rays.