Well, watching an I nterview with Mr. Gene Krupa i've gotten an I dea.
The Scene is:
Mr. Gene Krupa is positioned in F ront of the A udience left H and S I de of the I nterviewer.
The Interviewer asks Mr. Krupa some Q uestions, which he thinks they were interesting
FOR THE AUDIENCE. Now, also some Q uestions about the I nfluence of other P eople on
Gene Krupa's success and way of playing the D rums got made.
I think the most people do not get it that way,
but Mr. Krupa says he watches his Audience,
the Target Group if one wants so,
closely to perceive how they perceive the beat,
the rhythm of his way of playing for theM.
So this is clearly a piece of Teamwork.
That way good Listeners and Observers get to the I n sight Mr. Kurpa
was a good leader and a good leader is a team player.
So maybe he was a bad Boss.
"What do you mean? if you haven't even the time to spell correctly, in what do YOU invest your time otherwise?
What are you passionate in?