You believe in Conspriracy theories even after they have been thoroughly debunked with all fact being available. So that might have something to do with "TRump CUlt Members" being triggered as you put it. But then there is all the other drivel you post.
Sometimes people cant help but see stupid for what it is. They try to break through your advanced stage Koolaid abuse with reality in the form of facts which you can confirm (not opinions) you then label this as blaming others because it goes against what the Kolaid has done to your brains wiring and then once they realise you are just damaged goods they just give up all bother of having an intelligent conversation with you.
The ones who have previously had experience with you just move straight to verbally assaulting you because they want to be trolling you just like you are doing them. Your technique for responding is pretty lame and the same predictable BS, with "oh you people have no morals" and "you all just believe what the orange man says" "evidence means nothing" etc etc etc. Just admit you're a troll and that's all your here for. You don't add anything and anyone who responds to you gives some meaning to your day, your life and existance and that's good for you..