Calvinism can be summarized in five basic points under the acronym, TULIP: Total Depravity-Unconditional Election-Limited Atonement-Irresistible Grace-Perseverance of the Saints.
It is important to remember that John Calvin (1509-1564), a French theologian, didn’t come up with these points on his own, as many of his contemporaries, more or less, believed in what he believed. Martin Lutther for example can be considered ”Calvinistic”, but he was never one completely.
The reason why many Reformers were “Calvinistic” is because they subscribed to the view believed by St. Augustine. According to him, man in his sinful state, could not believe on his own and so He must be empowered by God in order to believe.
TOTAL DEPRAVITY: That all men are not only sinners by deed but also in nature; such that they will never believe
Genesis 8:21, Romans 6:16-18, & 8:6-8
UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION: That God elects those to be saved before the foundation of the world regardless of their merits or lack thereof; all according to His mercy.
Romans 9:11, Ephesians 1:4-8, & 1 Timothy 1:1-4
LIMITED ATONEMENT: God graciously elects those to save based not on palatability but by mercy
Matthew 26:28, John 6:44, & Romans 9:15-16
IRRESISTIBLE GRACE: A teaching that those who are the Elect are drawn against their sinful inclination not to believe but believe.
John 1:12-13, 6:37, 44, Romans 9:16
PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS: That the Elect is kept by God and will not lose their salvation
John 6:37-39, 10:29-30, & Jude 1:24
Ryan Reeves, “Luther and Calvin on Predestination” Ryan Reeves, Jun 13, 2015
Matthew J Slick, “The Five Points of Calvinism”. The Calvinist Corner
“Calvinism vs. Arminianism - which view is correct?” Got Questions Ministries Oct 21, 2019