Challenge accepted.
technically we don't have a Kabauter in Germany, but there is that one book and tv series "David der Kabauter" which I now suspect to be a Dutch book that has been translated - as a kid I thought it was something like a "Klabautermann", but that's a whole different creature that lives on boats and warns the captain when there's danger and otherwise makes noise - the Kabauter is probably somewhere between a Zwerg and a Gnom and seems like it was the origin for a very German concept of the Gartenzwerg = garden gnome, especially visually and from what I remember of the books I had they also live in nature or gardens,
Drache, sometimes Drachen, depending on regional dialect,
Meerjungfrau, sometimes Seejungfrau,
Most words are the same or very similar which is why I could usually understand Dutch texts (like when we would go to Arnhem or Harderwijk) even as a kid but the pronunciation is different enough that one has to get used to it first. 😅